So conspiracy has been out for a while.. For vintage its got like one good card and two cards thats a wee bit worse then already printed cards.
I love the reprints! Its really nice to get more of the played cards to the cardpool. Brainstorm should cost close to nothing imho. Also some of the artwork is great updates (Natures Claim).
Council's Judgment - well it removes planeswalkers and Emra's but there are already really good answear to other bombs. I dont see where it could see play.
Split Decision - OH! A Fork that can do something more! And with a better manacost!
But then again Fork is a shit cards now and counters for 2 have to be really effing good to be worth playing (seen a playset Mana Drain been played lately? Not?). Shit card and you should defriend people that think this is a good card.
Dack Fayden
This is probably the best card printed since I dont know when.. Flusterstorm prolly.
The first ability is crazy. Sure the first turn its shit but the following turns its just amazing. Combined with Ancestral and Gush.. awsome.
The second ability is what makes the card so insane. Now when a player has a turn one blue land or fetch and a mox the opponent cant be sure to go turn one Tinker. Combining a key-lock has to be done in one turn. I mean the worst thing you can steal is a manasource.
The hardest impact this card will make is the fear-factor. It is two of the most common colors so getting a third splash color will be real easy. I like green because you only need the one source for a couple of Ancient Grudge (two if you got the mox), but really any color adds a spark.
Oh yea there is a -6 ability but its not that awsome except when combined with Fire/Ice and Lightning Bolt, if the critters survive.
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