

I really dont like workshop-decks.. just like dredge they operate to punish wrong meta choices. Im not a fan of not being able to play the deck you want just because wizards thought it was a great idea to print a critter with prison properties and five in attack.. Dredge at least interacts with the opponent both with discard and on the battlefield (since blocks do matter with bridge in the graveyard).
End of rant, start of deck.

4 Phyrexian Revoker
4 Lodestone Golem
2 Karn, Silver Golem
2 Wurmcoil Engine

4 Sculpting Steel
4 Sphere of Resistance
4 Tangle Wire
1 Trinisphere
2 Crucible of Worlds
4 Chalice of the Void

1 Black Lotus
1 Mana Crypt
1 Mox Emerald
1 Mox Sapphire
1 Mox Pearl
1 Mox Ruby
1 Mox Jet
1 Sol Ring

4 Mishra's Workshop
4 Ancient Tomb
3 City of Traitors
3 Petrified Field
4 Wasteland
1 Buried Ruin
1 Ghost Quarter
1 Strip Mine

Lots and lots of mana acceleration. Lots of 3-4 mana spells so that a (powerful) turn 1 play is viable.
What differs from this list and regular lists is this runs Sculpting Steel and Petrified Field.
Revoker and Lodestone are golden. Landing Lodestone early can win the match so having four Sculpting Steel in the deck works as four extra copies. If not you can just copy Revoker to lock out planeswalkers or fetchlands, or with five mana add a chalice on 1 and 0 the same turn.
I really think copy effects are strong. In a mirror match they most likely win the game.
Tolarian Academy was cut because I like consistency and its not consistent at all.
Thorn was cut because its crap in a meta with critters.. the one we have now thanks to Treasure Cruise and the vintage MTGO set.
Crusible comboes great with Strip/Waste/Ghost and Buried Ruin. I do think a mana denial plan is stronger than Thorn. Petrified Field adds mana and works as a one time Crucible. Petrified has a better deminishing return and thats why theres that many of them. Ghost Quarter is a one of because of the Treasure Cruise-decks. Two color decks with basics are a lot stronger thats to TC.